I'm going to explain my storyboard with more detail.
basically, it begins with a black screen and you will hear heavy breathing, then the production title will appear it will then cut to a lightbulb turning on. this is where we will debut our film title, and it will tilt down to the main subjects arm and him breathing heavily. it will immediately jump to the fast-paced editing of him going toward his bag and he will start packing, the subject is crying and move about in a frantic way and also is very flustered. he grabs his bag and then begins to add items in, here I would use a close up to show importance to the bag and the items being put in. during these shots the credits will be appearing and matching the pace of the film, we want the credits to show throughout the whole 2 minutes maybe 30 seconds to spare.
Next, the subject will be in the middle of packing and he will begin to experience his schizophrenia and the color of the lighting will change to red (or other colors) and a change of music to show t
hat whenever this occurs it means hes experiencing his mental illness. during all of the 2 minutes, the character will continue to heavily breathe and cry delibrately.
Next the subject will hear screaming (diegtic sound) and then the scene will progress slightly faster as the subjesct realizes they must move faster, the subject will grab the bag and begin to rush and add things. the bag will be very oversized to show the bag is bigger than the subject. he will hear footsteps annd then grab a blanket to hid under, the character is very young and the blanket is showing that the kid does not know what he is doing because he is hiding under a blanket which is not a secured placed. on the front page of the storyboard you can see a bathtub drawing we decided not to go with that idea and use this blanket idea so please diregard it, also we put blanket or box because we were sure at the moment but now we know for sure we will use a blanket. anyways using an extreme clsoe up we will show the characters eyes as the light shines directly in the subjects
eyes, he will be covering his mouth with his hand to refrain from his breathing being heard and he will still continue to cry. i want to use a POV shot to show what the character is seeing and then he will get really silent for a second, the back ground youll hear someone walking (we will either record this sound or use from the internet.) and then when the walking passes the scene will shift into to really fast paced editing and the character is really in a rush to leave he will run and garb his items and zip up his bag anf head out, he will carefully open the door and walk low and against to the wall and the it will basically end there.
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